
Caitlin Fulton, Manager, Service Planning and Kylie Smith, Director, Services have undertaken a research project with Professor Stacey George and Associate Professor Christopher Barr from the Caring Futures Institute, part of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at Flinders University. The research study explored how sexuality is addressed as part of rehabilitation following a traumatic motor vehicle injury.

Both LSS participants and LSA Service Planners participated in this research. 21 participants completed a questionnaire providing information about whether sexuality was impacted by the motor vehicle injury and how sexuality was addressed as part of rehabilitation and recovery. 10 Service Planners participated in semi-structured interviews discussing their experiences addressing sexuality with clients.

These client and clinician perspectives were analysed, and the results published in a professional journal. The findings offer valuable insights for health care professionals involved in rehabilitation.

You can read the published article sexuality and rehabilitation needs following traumatic vehicle injuries: client and clinician perspectives’ on the Allied Health Scholar website.

Caitlin Fulton and Kylie Smith

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