Our team of qualified and skilled Service Planners are passionate about working with you, your family and carers to ensure you receive necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support under the Lifetime Support Scheme (LSS).

Once you have been accepted into the LSS, you will be assigned a Service Planner who will be your first point of contact. Please always contact them in the first instance if you have any questions about your treatment, care and support.

There are a number of ways we are notified of a motor vehicle accident where you may have sustained the type of injuries covered by the LSS, such as:

  • South Australian Police
  • Major hospital treating teams
  • Emergency Departments’ staff.

Once the Lifetime Support Authority (LSA) has received notification of the motor vehicle accident, the LSA will contact you and/or your supports, and provide you with information about the LSS and How to Apply.

Your Service Planner will coordinate your Discharge Plan for your treatment, care and support needs for when you return home from hospital. This will include discussing your needs with you and your medical treating team.

Your Service Planners coordinates your treatment, care and support funding for injuries sustained in your motor vehicle accident. Your Service Planner will:

  • keep in contact to monitor your progress and visit you as required
  • explain the LSS and what we are able to fund for you
  • help you understand what the processes is when working with us
  • assist you to develop, review and update your goals in your MyPlan
  • coordinate your treatment, care and support services
  • engage service providers that are in line with your identified needs
  • monitor the services being delivered to you to ensure they are being delivered according to your agreed treatment, care and support plan
  • assist in linking you with other service providers where your needs cannot be met within the scope of the LSS.

Further information is outlined in the What is Necessary and Reasonable Treatment, Care and Support Information Sheet.

Your Service Planner is not responsible for:

  • acting as an advocate on your behalf to protect and promote your rights and interests. Further information is outlined in the Advocacy Information Sheet
  • managing your day-to-day life needs (e.g. services that are not treatment, care or support related to your motor vehicle accident injuries).

You may also work with other service providers such as rehabilitation specialists, occupational therapists, psychologists, attendant care or domestic support workers. Your Service Planner can help you keep track of your service providers and communicate with them.

Further information is outlined in the What is a Service Planner and What Do They Do Information Sheet.

Your Service Planner will assess each request on a case-by-case basis considering:

  • the requirement of the LSS Rules
  • your current ability to function in daily life
  • your goals for function and participation in daily life
  • who will provide the service
  • when, where and how the service will be provided
  • how long the service will continue
  • the costs associated with the service.

This ensures the services requested are for injury-related treatment, care or support and meet the necessary and reasonable criteria as outlined in the LSS Rules.

Further information is also outlined in the Understanding the LSA's Decision Making Process Information Sheet.

Please speak to your Service Planner in the first instance, so we can seek to resolve the matter quickly.

If you disagree with a decision about your eligibility, you are eligible to lodge a dispute with us. Further information is outlined in the Reassessment and Disputes section.

Your Service Planner will make contact and discuss the outcome of the request with you.

If you do not agree with our decision you may submit your concern by emailing us at: LSAFeedback@sa.gov.au or the Complaints and Feedback section.

You can arrange access to treatment, care and support by contacting your Service Planner to discuss your requests. Your Service Planner may meet with you to assess this request in more detail.

Page last updated: 1 October 2020