• 1.1Transitional accommodation is short term accommodation in the circumstances where the Participant’s normal place of residence is temporarily not appropriate to meet their needs related to the Motor Vehicle Injuries.

For example, when a Home Modification is in progress or where a Participant’s care requires a specific setting that is not currently met by the Participant’s home.

  • 1.2The LSA will pay for the costs of transitional accommodation under the following limited circumstances;
    • 1.2.1the need for accommodation is related to the Motor Vehicle Injury;
    • 1.2.2the Participant’s usual place of residence is not accessible due to the Motor Vehicle Injury or is outside the Adelaide metropolitan area which is impacting the Participant’s ability to receive appropriate TCS services; and
    • 1.2.3there is no other existing suitable accommodation option to meet the Participant’s needs that arise from the Motor Vehicle Injury.
  • 1.3In determining whether transitional accommodation costs are necessary and reasonable the LSA may consider:
    • 1.3.1whether discharge from hospital or inpatient Rehabilitation, or delivery of a Participant’s plan for TCS, is possible without the transitional accommodation;
    • 1.3.2the length of time for finding appropriate longer-term accommodation, or the expected timeframe for completion of Home Modifications and whether Home Modifications are able to be staged to allow earlier access to the home;
    • 1.3.3whether the existing home is able to be occupied prior to finding appropriate longer-term accommodation, or during the Home Modification process;
    • 1.3.4the nature of the Motor Vehicle Injury and whether the Participant requires TCS services that would be required in the transitional accommodation setting and the suitability of the setting in which these services would be delivered; and
    • 1.3.5whether transitional accommodation is the most cost effective option compared to any other accommodation option (such as when a Home Modification is in progress or when a Participant is travelling regularly from a remote community for Treatment, care and support over a period of time).
  • 1.4The LSA may require the Participant to make a reasonable rent contribution, which is an ordinary cost of housing. For a Participant in receipt of the Disability Support Pension (DSP), 25 per cent of the base rate plus any relevant Commonwealth Rent Assistance will be considered reasonable rent contribution.

  • 2.1Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to accommodation for Participants who require specialist housing solutions, to assist with the delivery of supports that cater for their extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.

For example where a Participant requires integrated housing and supports.

  • 2.2SDA is considered by the LSA as when the need for Specialist Disability Accommodation is related to the Motor Vehicle Injury and:
    • 2.2.1the Participant’s usual place of residence is not accessible, and cannot be cost effectively made accessible, due to the Motor Vehicle Injury; and
    • 2.2.2when modification of a new home is not feasible.
  • 2.3The LSA may consider SDA when the behaviour of the Participant requires specialist, high level support and this support is ideally provided in a dwelling with particular features that are unavailable in the wider community.

For example, robust build.

  • 2.4Where SDA is required, the accessible home is expected to be rented by a Participant or their Family from a housing provider.
  • 2.5The LSA will contribute to the costs to the extent the LSA considers it to be necessary and reasonable TCS, and related to the Motor Vehicle Injury, above ordinary housing and living costs.
  • 2.6The LSA will require the Participant to make a reasonable rent contribution, which is an ordinary cost of housing. For a Participant in receipt of the Disability Support Pension (DSP), 25 per cent of the base rate plus any relevant Commonwealth Rent Assistance will be considered reasonable rent contribution.
  • 2.7All SDA arrangements require prior approval In Writing by the LSA.
  • 2.8The Participant should be involved in the decision-making processes relating to their accommodation to the extent that it is practicable.
  • 2.9The LSA’s funding of SDA does not negate the responsibilities of another agency or department to provide for it.

  • 3.1Respite accommodation is short term accommodation, including care services, for times when Participants need to live away from their usual place of residence for short periods as their informal supports are not available or require a break from their caring role.
  • 3.2The LSA may provide respite accommodation in limited circumstances, consistent with the requirements for respite services outlined in Part 7 (Support, Attendant Care and Domestic Services), Rule 10.

  • 4.1The LSA will not reimburse accommodation costs retrospectively unless specifically provided for under this Part.
  • 4.2The exclusions outlined in Part 10 Home Modifications apply under this Part where relevant.
Page last updated: 16 September 2022