• 1.1This Part applies in relation to devices and services referred to in subsection 4(1) of the Act.

  • 2.1The LSA will pay for the necessary and reasonable cost of Prosthetic and Orthotic Devices, for a Participant who has had an amputation as a result of the Motor Vehicle Injury.
  • 2.2The LSA may regard a Prosthetic or Orthotic Device for a recreational activity to be necessary and reasonable, in addition to a primary device, where the Participant is likely to engage in the activity on a regular and ongoing basis.

For example, the LSA may fund specialised limbs for a sporting activity where involvement in the activity can be demonstrated by sporting club membership and evidence of attendance and participations.

  • 3.1Services can only be prescribed by Appropriately Qualified Service Providers. This includes prescriptions, clinic services and manufacturing of devices.
Page last updated: 16 September 2022