
Rick Howe, the LSA’s Chief Executive and Rohan Weckert, the Senior Scheme Legal Adviser presented at the CRASH! CTP Seminar on 26 March 2021 regarding the Lifetime Support Scheme and related CTP issues.

The South Australian CRASH! Seminar was first introduced in 2004 to provide a forum for all parties involved in CTP insurance work to meet and discuss the operation of the CTP Scheme in South Australia. This includes insurers, claims management agents, medical assessors, plaintiff and defendant solicitors and others including representatives of the LSA. It has been recognised that, for the Scheme to work well for all parties, it is important that opposing views are fully understood and respected.

The LSA presentation focussed on highlighting the relevant interactions between the CTP Scheme and the LSS, particularly the need for clear communication to assist participants and claimants to navigate the process easily. The 2021 forum was attended by 205 delegates, which was capped due to COVID-19 restrictions. Feedback received by the organisers has so far, been positive.

LSA’s Chief Executive Rick Howe presenting at Seminar

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